Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Buy Art and Make a Difference!

Help us to help others!

++Dan Hubner++
Crocheted Hats
Website: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=46166365558&ref=ts
BIO: The HubCaps idea emerged from the eclectic snowboarding culture that I have longtime been a part of. Making out of the ordinary hats began as a small hobby simply for my personal use and enjoyment, but quickly took flight when friends and others took interest in them. Now with the help of my hometown senior center and a few donations from local businesses I am making and selling HubCaps where all profits from the Underground Artisans Marketplace are being donated to Penn State's THON dance marathon.

++The Past and Pending++
Vintage clothing, accessories, shoes, and wares.
BIO: The Past and Pending arose from a love of collecting vintage clothes and other vintage trinkets. Our ethos is based on the quality of vintage clothing and the ability to recycle and up-cycle, therefore perpetuating the life of clothing that can be styled into any modern day wardrobe. We will be donating half of our profits from the Underground Artisans Marketplace to help send good friends, Erin and JT to Ethiopia to bring home their baby boy.

 ;Hope to see you on November 6th (3-8pm) at the Underground Artisans Marketplace! 

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