Saturday, March 5, 2011

Featured Artisan: Heather Taddy

 Recycled bowls/containers from magazines and records, Button and magazine jewelry, mixed media collages on canvas, handmade magnets.

I started creating collages by rummaging through old JCPenney's catalogs from the 80's.  I found humor in the juxtaposition of uncommon objects placed together with humans.  Then I discovered that I had much more fun creating art out of random media such as magazines, film strips and records. Much of my work and jewelry features strange baby dolls, buttons and glitter.  While traveling to film episodes of "Paranormal State" I got a great response from selling my crafts at events, so I decided to expand my creations. This is Rad Tad.

Come see Heather and other artisans at the Underground Artisans Marketplace on April 9, 2011 1-5pm at Schlow Library (211 S. Allen St. State College)